Ö Blockinøø Blockinøùööð Ëô Blockin Blockin¬ Blockin Blockinøøóò¸üôðóööøøóò Òò Ëëñùððøøóò Ììöóùùù Êêûööøøòò¹äóóó
In re ent years Arvind's Group at MIT has shown the usefulness of term rewriting theory for the spe i ation of pro essor ar hite tures. In their approa h pro essors spe i ed by term rewriting systems are translated into a standard hardware des ription language for simulation purposes. In this work we present our urrent investigation on the use of Rewriting-Logi , whi h is a more powerful theoreti al framework than pure rewriting, for spe i ation, exploration and veri ation of pro essor ar hite tures at a higher abstra tion level. We adopt the rewriting-logi environment ELAN to spe ify, explore and verify ar hite tures without the need to resort to the details of hardware des ription languages for simulation purposes. Our investigation shows that simulation at rewriting-logi level may provide useful insights to guide the ar hite tural design.
منابع مشابه
Ëóóøûöö Ëô Blockin Blockin¬ Blockin Blockinøøóò Òò Îöö¬ Blockin Blockinøøóò Ò Êêûööøøòò Äóóó
متن کامل
Ýòòññ ¿¿ Ööôôô Blockin× Ïóööðóóó Öö Blockinøøööþþøøóò Òò Øøø Ö Blockinøø Blockinøùööð Áñôðð Blockin Blockinøøóò×
متن کامل
Óùôððð Ö Blockinøø Blockinøùöö Óö Ôôðð Blockin Blockinøøóò¹ëô Blockin Blockin¬ Ðð Èööööø Blockinòò Ùùò¹ããã Òò Ìùððð Ååøöö Ìþþ¹¹¹ö Ùùù
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